The Chase Is Up!

s your dog a chaser? The urge to chase turns some dogs into frenzied running machines who are difficult to stop. Their brains seem to leave their bodies as they launch themselves after tennis balls, cyclists, cats or every dog on the horizon. Chase behavior can be embarrassing and obsessive, as well as dangerous. Some breeds may be more prone to chase-related issues, such as sighthounds who were bred to chase and catch prey, or herding dogs who were bred to control movement.

Chasing is inherently reinforcing for many dogs - it releases a burst of feel-good chemicals which are difficult to resist. This is why dogs may chase even when exhausted or in pain, or why your border collie only has eyes for the ball and won’t engage in anything else in the environment. This lack of control isn’t your dog being deliberately naughty - they are acting on instinct, performing a behavior sequence completely natural to them.


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